Find Motivated Sellers & Accelerate Transactions with Buyer/Seller Collaboration enabled by VALUclick
VALUclick’s dynamic AI-driven real estate home pricing tool & automated lead generation tool empower realtors to generate more leads.
Dynamic Pricing Tool
Motivate your seller leads with highly accurate valuations based on actual home improvements, features and condition, not on generic comps.
Create dynamic collaboration between sellers and buyers using our proprietary valuation platform that takes the guesswork out of the pricing discussion.
Automated Lead Generation
Create and send proposals and marketing collateral in seconds using the automated tools in your back office.
Property Reports
Generate stunning one-page PDF’s to demonstrate value to potential sellers and buyers by sharing realistic comps and the most accurate custom calculations.
Try it free for 30 days.
Get the most accurate home pricing tool + automated lead generation on the market
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- Unlimited valuations
- Easy led generation
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- 14 days free
- Unlimited appraisals
- Easy led generation